Yvonne Hollenbeck presented her cowboy poetry collection at Wilson Public Library last Saturday. Her collection focused on the humous situations she’s found herself in as a quilter married to a cowboy. (LOCAL photo by Ashley Mohler)

Poetry enthusiasts gathered at Wilson Public Library for a cowboy-themed poetry presentation by Yvonne Hollenbeck, made possible by a collaboration between the library and Humanities Nebraska as part of the One Book One Cozad program. Hollenbeck's poems, focusing on the life of midwestern women, humorously depicted daily chores and the contrast between rural and urban lifestyles. Notably, she shared a humorous poem inspired by a request for a piece about a quilter and a cowboy, which she crafted specifically for the occasion. Hollenbeck, an award-winning quilter and cowgirl poet, presented original works from the Cowboy Poetry program. Described as part of a broader selection offered by Humanities Nebraska Speakers Bureau, her presentation resonated with the audience, eliciting smiles and chuckles as she vividly captured the experiences of midwestern couples, families, and friends.

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Hollenbeck Presents Cowboy Poetry | News | cozadlocal.com